Here you’ll find information about getting married at St John’s. Please click the buttons below to navigate the page.
Getting married at St John's
If you’re planning your wedding – congratulations!
St John’s would be delighted to offer the marriage service. Having a wedding in church is wonderful way to begin your married life, having promised before God to love, honour, and cherish each other for the rest of your lives.
Anyone who lives within the parish boundaries is entitled to be married at St Johns. You are also welcome to be married here if you have a qualifying connection; for example, you are a regular worshipper, you were baptised here, or your parents were married here.
We warmly welcome all eligible couples wishing to get married at St John’s. Your wedding will be one of the most important days in your life, and we will do all we can to make it a memorable and happy occasion so that your marriage begins on the firmest foundations. Couples arranging to be married at St. John’s must have a series of meetings with the Vicar in preparation for marriage. We will take time to get to know you and your family and take care to plan the right marriage service for both of you. In addition, we will offer you support and space to prepare for the married life you will share. In all of this we will seek God’s blessing for your life together.
With our bishop’s permission we can conduct marriages for those who have been married before, and with such second marriages we will offer particular support and care in preparation for the big day. If you have children, we can make sure they feel included and involved.